Chest Masculinization Before and After Photos Photos - Case #2244

Patient Case #2244

This 21 year-old patient was fairly early in the process of gender reassignment, having bound his chest for several months, but was committed to the idea of “top surgery” to masculinize his chest, which was otherwise in a moderate B-cup bra size range. He came to me from Connecticut, having found me on the internet, as well as through sites such as “”, where previous patients had shared news of their positive experiences and results through Center for Cosmetic Surgery .

Because he had such excellent symmetry and minimal ptosis (or drooping), I advised him that he would be an excellent candidate for standard “FTM chest masculinization” in one stage, which is basically an extreme version of a breast reduction or mastopexy. This indeed was performed under general anesthesia.

The patient returned the next day for a brief post-op check, at which time it was determined that his nipples were well-perfused and that there was no bleeding or fluid collections. His drains were removed at his one-week post-op visit (photos are from this time), and longer term incision care was discussed, after which he returned to Connecticut in excellent condition. We agreed to continue communication online and by phone for any intermediate-term issues, although he should be back for a late post-op visit during the holidays later this year.

If you are a transgender male interested in making a more permanent surgical change to masculinize your chest, and are willing and able to visit the Denver area, “FTM top surgery” chest recountouring through Center for Cosmetic Surgery is a very safe, effective and satisfying procedure to help you commit to and feel more comfortable in your new gender. We encourage you to schedule your confidential consultation today, and look forward to meeting with you.

Patient Age: 21
Tissue Removed Left: 365 grams
Tissue Removed Right: 356 grams

Chest Masculinization Before and After Photos
Chest Masculinization Before and After Photos
Chest Masculinization Before and After Photos
Chest Masculinization Before and After Photos
Chest Masculinization Before and After Photos
Chest Masculinization Before and After Photos